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Needling Worldwide

Aging security infrastructure – what to do with it

If you’ve been in cybersecurity for any real amount of time, you’re more than likely aware that consolidating security tools is growing more popular. Most organizations view IT as just a call center, and security is considered only a small part. Typically, no one has an unlimited budget, and the pressure to justify gets stronger with rising business costs.

Many security teams are now being asked to rethink their entire approach to security, even if their budgets get trimmed. However, rethinking security is a huge obstacle for most growing businesses with expansion plans to go into cloud environments. In most cases, each cloud environment has a different team using different traffic monitoring and security tools. Unfortunately, there’s an incorrect assumption that these tools are free and have no impact on tightening budgets.

There’s an even greater cost. The cost of time to detect, respond to, and mitigate various events when using diverse tools expands significantly when looking at the big picture. With most businesses entertaining the idea of going to cloud environments, they must modernize their security infrastructure.

Below are some recommendations to consider when working through the process of trying to determine whether to upgrade or use what you already have:

  • Keep it. Keep the tools that make life easier for your security teams and consolidate the largest parts of your infrastructure while doing the most to decrease the time it takes to respond to an incident.

  • Tweak it. Do your homework to ensure the platform can be easily integrated with other tools to drive operational efficiencies.

  • Collaborate over it. Teams can share information to better understand what’s happening and hopefully use a brainstorming session to help them do their jobs with the existing software.

  • Kick it to the curb. Get rid of the tools that are painful to use, hard to understand, and make life difficult for those trying to grasp how to use them in new cloud environments. One of the most important factors to consider is the total cost of ownership. This is hard to calculate, but it’s critical to have a base understanding in order to work into your budget.

Work with others who are considered Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to understand all gaps within your current technology. Try to bridge gaps or workarounds to enable better business processing. Remember, the primary objective of consolidation is to ensure the security posture of the infrastructure is improved. Any cuts or shortcuts to save money leave gaps in defenses that run counter to that initiative.

As the fiscal year 2024 progresses forward, this will become one of the hottest topics for all businesses to achieve security efficiency improvement while paying less. This task is not an easy one to find a solution for, but a suitable solution derived from multiple brainstorming sessions will make everyone’s life much easier in the long run.


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